






وجبة كونيغ E65S-مطحنة قهوة


وجبة كونيغ E65S-مطحنة قهوة

إن ماكينة E65S هي المزيج المثالي بين تكنولوجيا طحن الإسبريسو المتميزة والميزات الرائدة، وهي مصممة لتلبية المتطلبات الحديثة لمحترفي القهوة في جميع أنحاء العالم. قام "ملك المطاحن" بتجهيز الطراز الجديد بزر دفع متعدد الوظائف وقائمة أيقونات مبتكرة وإعدادات مسبقة لما يصل إلى 6 وصفات قابلة للبرمجة بشكل فردي. يتميز الجسم النحيف الحديث بتصميم متطور متعدد الألوان يتميز بمكونات وطلاءات من الدرجة الأولى للحصول على مظهر وشعور متميزين. ولكن تصميمها لا يرضي العين فقط: حيث تنتج E65S عملية طحن ممتعة وهادئة، في حين أن هيكلها العام قوي ومجهز جيدًا لتحمل أحمال العمل العالية. الخيار الأمثل للمقاهي والمطاعم. تتميز نتوءات القهوة الممتازة بطعم رائع قائمة أيقونات مبتكرة لعملية بديهية ما يصل إلى 6 وصفات قابلة للبرمجة زر الضغط واللف متعدد الوظائف تصميم نحيف حديث طحن شبه صامت ضبط سريع ودون خطوات وباستخدام يد واحدة لضبط الطحن مع آلية قفل مستقلة صنبور قابل للتعديل والإزالة ليناسب أي فلتر قهوة قادوس حبوب مع متانة معززة حامل فلتر قهوة قوي وعالمي الجهد // الترددات // الأطوار // القدرة الاسمية: 220-240 فولت // 50/60 هرتز // 1~ // 440 واط 110-127 فولت // 60 هرتز // 1~ // 580 وات 100 فولت // 50/60 هرتز // 1~ // 510 وات سرعة الخمول: 1400 دورة في الدقيقة (50 هرتز)؛ 1700 دورة في الدقيقة (60 هرتز) قطر المثقاب: 65 مم مادة النتوء: فولاذ خاص عمر طحن النتوءات (الإعداد المتوسط): تقريبًا. 800 كجم متوسط قدرة الطحن*: 4-7 جم/ثانية سعة قادوس الفاصوليا: تقريبًا. 1200 جم الأبعاد (عرض × ارتفاع × عمق): 19.5 × 58.3 × 28.3 سم أبعاد العبوة (العرض × الارتفاع × العمق): 69.7 × 28.7 × 44.5 سم الوزن الصافي: 11.2 كجم الوزن الإجمالي: 12.7 كجم الشهادات: CE، CB، ETL Safety، ETL Sanitation المعايير: يتوافق مع: IEC/EN 60335-1 باستثناء IPX1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 باستثناء IPX1 معتمد لـ: معيار أنسي/أول 763 CSA C22.2 رقم 195 المؤسسة الوطنية للعلوم/المعهد الوطني الأمريكي للمعايير 8 الألوان القياسية: ألومنيوم مصقول، أسود غير لامع ألومنيوم مصقول، أسود وأبيض غير لامع الملحقات الاختيارية: قمع الفاصوليا تقريبًا. 250 جرام قمع الفاصوليا تقريبًا. 1800 جرام أداة استبدال النتوءات محول ألومنيوم معتمد من CB للعلب

Regular price Dhs. 7,500.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 7,500.00
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MAHLKONIG E65S GbW - Coffee Grinder


MAHLKONIG E65S GbW - Coffee Grinder

The Next Revolution of Coffee Grinding. It is the holy grail of coffee grinding: dosing by a pre-set weight. Forget about dosing by a timer or dosing by volume. Where these dosing methods cause fluctuations, as they get affected by the condition of the coffee or the grind size adjustment, Grind-by-Weight delivers exactly the grams you set. The integrated high-precision load cell underneath the portafilter support enables ground breaking real-time scale controlled dosing, as it monitors the weight during the entire grinding process. The result: consistently accurate doses. Mahlkönig’s pioneering Disc Distance Detection (DDD) adds yet another layer of quality control as it lets you set the degree of fineness based on the actual distance between the burrs. Serving the guest a great taste experience with every single cup is what driving a coffee shop is all about. The E65S GbW makes it possible by providing the most accurate and consistent doses, ever. Let’s grind by weight – because every gram matters. Proven premium grinding profile for a great taste experience Grind-by-Weight technology featuring weight-based dosing High-precision load cell for real-time weight control during the grinding process Patented Disc Distance Detection (DDD) enabling accurate settings of the degree of fineness Adjustable illuminated spout providing a clean and centered coffee outlet Active cooling system maintaining low grinding temperatures Pleasantly quiet grinding High-resolution 88.3 mm display with a wide viewing angle Voltage // frequencies // phases // nominal power: 220-240 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ // 440 W 110-127 V // 60 Hz // 1~ // 580 W 100 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ // 550/700 W Idle speed: 1400 rpm (50 Hz); 1700 rpm (60 Hz) Burr diameter: 65 mm Burr material: Special steel Burr grind life (median setting): ca. 800 kg Average grinding capacity*: 50 Hz: 4-5 g/s @ 250 µm 60 Hz: 5-6 g/s @ 250 µm Bean hopper capacity: approx. 1200 g Dimensions (w x h x d): 19.5 x 62 x 28.3 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 69.7 x 28.7 x 47.5 cm Net weight: 12.2 kg Gross weight: 14 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: Conforms to: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 Certified to: UL 763 CSA C22.2 No. 195 NSF/ANSI 8 Standard colors: Polished aluminum, matte black Polished aluminum, matte black and white Optional accessories: Bean hopper approx. 250 g Bean hopper approx. 1800 g Burr replacement tool Calibration weight 1 kg CB-certified aluminum adapter for Cans

Regular price Dhs. 9,400.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 9,400.00
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Mahlkonig EK OMNIA Allround grinder-black


Mahlkonig EK OMNIA Allround grinder-black

EK Omnia Allround Grinder   FASTER, SMARTER, PREDICTABLE   Our new flagship espresso and filter coffee grinder sets a new industry standard. The EK Omnia is the epitome of Mahlkönig's relentless pursuit of excellence and a new leap forward in coffee-grinding innovation. Built on the legacy of the iconic EK43, the EK Omnia is Mahlkönig's new flagship grinder designed for unprecedented consistency and efficiency as it adds the most recent and ground-breaking technology to the iconic EK. EK Omnia is a remarkable addition to the Mahlkönig EK range which now proudly comprises the EK43, EK43 S, and the EK Omnia. For coffee aficionados who want excellent grinding quality but need a faster workflow and more convenience, the EK Omnia unlocks a new era in coffee grinding.   EK Omnia received the 2024 iF Design Award and UX Design Award | Gold Meet the EK Omnia The EK Omnia grinder is equipped with a suite of advancements that make it an indispensable tool for high-demand, high-expectation settings. The new technological innovation of Library Mode allows users to save their favorite grinding recipes, including notes for the bean name and target coffee grams. In combination with the Pre-Dosing Unit (PDU), a volumetric hopper*, EK Omnia automatically adjusts to the exact burr distance in microns and grind time, according to the recipe. The front-facing LED screen is a powerful and easy-to-use interface to set ultra-precise micro-adjustments of the grind size. Saved grinding recipes seamlessly integrate volumetric dosing with micron-level grind size settings. The grind size, meticulously measured in real-time by micron distance, eliminates any guesswork or reliance on arbitrary dials. When a recipe is selected, the grinder instantly fine-tunes both the burr distance and pre-dosing unit to precisely match the chosen parameters. Dial in once, repeat easily Save bean name and target coffee grams as recipes in the Library, then have EK Omnia automatically adjusting grind size and dose. Select a recipe and the EK Omnia will auto-adjust to your settings Repeatable consistency across hours and shifts Grind-by-Time and manual grinding offer total control at your fingertips Made for high-volume efficiency With a volumetric pre-dosing hopper unit, magnetic adjustable portafilter holder, and efficient BLDC motor, the EK Omnia prioritizes grinding and workflow efficiency. Precision superpowers The EK Omnia ushers in a new era of coffee grinder technology, offering reliable and unparalleled grinding precision dose after dose. Grind size measured by real-time micron distance between burrs, not arbitrary dials Stepless grind size adjustments made by dial turn, touch screen, or saved recipe Industry-leading 98mm steel burrs give baristas uniformity with every dose An aesthetic for the ages We celebrate the craft with a sleek design inspired by the iconic EK43, an intuitive touch interface on the main dial, and interchangeable hopper options. Meet the EK Omnia The EK Omnia grinder is equipped with a suite of advancements that make it an indispensable tool for high-demand, high-expectation settings. The new technological innovation of Library Mode allows users to save their favorite grinding recipes, including notes for the bean name and target coffee grams. In combination with the Pre-Dosing Unit (PDU), a volumetric hopper*, EK Omnia automatically adjusts to the exact burr distance in microns and grind time, according to the recipe. The front-facing LED screen is a powerful and easy-to-use interface to set ultra-precise micro-adjustments of the grind size. Saved grinding recipes seamlessly integrate volumetric dosing with micron-level grind size settings. The grind size, meticulously measured in real-time by micron distance, eliminates any guesswork or reliance on arbitrary dials. When a recipe is selected, the grinder instantly fine-tunes both the burr distance and pre-dosing unit to precisely match the chosen parameters. Dial in once, repeat easily Save bean name and target coffee grams as recipes in the Library, then have EK Omnia automatically adjusting grind size and dose. Select a recipe and the EK Omnia will auto-adjust to your settings Repeatable consistency across hours and shifts Grind-by-Time and manual grinding offer total control at your fingertips Made for high-volume efficiency With a volumetric pre-dosing hopper unit, magnetic adjustable portafilter holder, and efficient BLDC motor, the EK Omnia prioritizes grinding and workflow efficiency. Precision superpowers The EK Omnia ushers in a new era of coffee grinder technology, offering reliable and unparalleled grinding precision dose after dose. Grind size measured by real-time micron distance between burrs, not arbitrary dials Stepless grind size adjustments made by dial turn, touch screen, or saved recipe Industry-leading 98mm steel burrs give baristas uniformity with every dose An aesthetic for the ages We celebrate the craft with a sleek design inspired by the iconic EK43, an intuitive touch interface on the main dial, and interchangeable hopper options. Voltage // frequencies // phases: 200-240 V // 50 Hz // 1~ 100-120 V // 60 Hz // 1~ Idle speed: 1500 rpm (50 Hz) Burr diameter: 98 mm Burr material: Cast steel Burr grind life (median setting): approx. 6.000 kg Average grinding capacity*: 11.5-13.5 g/s Bean hopper capacity: approx. 250 g Max nominal power: 750 W Dimensions (w x h x d): 21.4 x 66.3 x 39 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 25.9 x 62.6 x 59 cm Net weight: 24 kg Gross weight: 28 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 ANSI/UL 763 CSA-C22.2 No. 195 Standard colors (other colors on request): Fine textured finish, matte black Fine textured finish, matte white Optional accessories: Pre-Dosing Unit (PDU) = Volumetric dosing hopper 250g 98 mm cast steel burrs for Turkish fine

Regular price Dhs. 12,600.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 12,600.00
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Mahlkonig EK43s  - Coffee Grinder - Black


Mahlkonig EK43s - Coffee Grinder - Black

EK43 S Allround Grinder   QUEEN OF COFFEE GRINDERS   The EK43 S provides the powerful performance of Mahlkönig’s famous EK43 within a space-saving body, that finally brings premium coffee grinding to the smaller coffee bars, too. The EK43 rules the international coffee specialty industry as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders - with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results. Its outstanding grinding profile remains unmatched. The EK43 provides the most even extraction of the coffee’s valuable aroma and is known to be a guarantor for an outstanding taste experience and a symbol for quality. Its special shape has become an icon within the international barista scene, which feels deeply connected to the EK43 by its shared passion for coffee. The performance and grinding results of the established EK43 within a smaller space-saving body Outstanding particle size spreads feature high extraction rates and the best possible taste Premium cast steel burrs Robust small grinder with high grinding capacity Suitable for different applications: filter, espresso, or turkish fine coffee grinding Grinding of other grists such as spices, grain, poppy seed and linseed is possible with individual burrs and pre-breaker Easy and precise grind adjustment Bag holder Voltage // frequencies // phases: 200-240 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ 100-120 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ Idle speed: 1450 rpm (50 Hz); 1760 rpm (60 Hz) Burr diameter: 98 mm Burr material: Cast steel Burr grind life (median setting): ca. 6.000 kg Average grinding capacity*: 19-21 g/s Average grinding capacity Turkish fine*: 10-12 g/s Bean hopper capacity: approx. 800 g Max. nominal power: 1300 W Dimensions (w x h x d): 23 x 68 x 41 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 37 x 58 x 71 cm Net weight: 24.5 kg Gross weight: 28.5 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 ANSI/UL 763 CSA-C22.2 No. 195 Standard colors: Fine textured finish, matte black Fine textured finish, matte white Special equipment: 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for turkish fine (EK43 ST) grinding and pre-breaker for decreased grind speeds 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for linseed (EL43) and poppy seed (EM43) grinding and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for grain (EG43) and spice (EP43) grinding, grinder housing cover and adjusting spindle for extended grind size range and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding Optional accessories: Bean hopper with spring-loaded hopper slider approx. 250 g Bean hopper with fold-up lid approx. 500 g Bean hopper approx. 1500 g Alignment tool Pulling tool Stainless steel dosing cups

Regular price Dhs. 11,800.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 11,800.00
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Mahlkonig EK OMNIA Allround grinder - White


Mahlkonig EK OMNIA Allround grinder - White

EK Omnia Allround Grinder   FASTER, SMARTER, PREDICTABLE   Our new flagship espresso and filter coffee grinder sets a new industry standard. The EK Omnia is the epitome of Mahlkönig's relentless pursuit of excellence and a new leap forward in coffee-grinding innovation. Built on the legacy of the iconic EK43, the EK Omnia is Mahlkönig's new flagship grinder designed for unprecedented consistency and efficiency as it adds the most recent and ground-breaking technology to the iconic EK. EK Omnia is a remarkable addition to the Mahlkönig EK range which now proudly comprises the EK43, EK43 S, and the EK Omnia. For coffee aficionados who want excellent grinding quality but need a faster workflow and more convenience, the EK Omnia unlocks a new era in coffee grinding.   EK Omnia received the 2024 iF Design Award and UX Design Award | Gold Meet the EK Omnia The EK Omnia grinder is equipped with a suite of advancements that make it an indispensable tool for high-demand, high-expectation settings. The new technological innovation of Library Mode allows users to save their favorite grinding recipes, including notes for the bean name and target coffee grams. In combination with the Pre-Dosing Unit (PDU), a volumetric hopper*, EK Omnia automatically adjusts to the exact burr distance in microns and grind time, according to the recipe. The front-facing LED screen is a powerful and easy-to-use interface to set ultra-precise micro-adjustments of the grind size. Saved grinding recipes seamlessly integrate volumetric dosing with micron-level grind size settings. The grind size, meticulously measured in real-time by micron distance, eliminates any guesswork or reliance on arbitrary dials. When a recipe is selected, the grinder instantly fine-tunes both the burr distance and pre-dosing unit to precisely match the chosen parameters. Dial in once, repeat easily Save bean name and target coffee grams as recipes in the Library, then have EK Omnia automatically adjusting grind size and dose. Select a recipe and the EK Omnia will auto-adjust to your settings Repeatable consistency across hours and shifts Grind-by-Time and manual grinding offer total control at your fingertips Made for high-volume efficiency With a volumetric pre-dosing hopper unit, magnetic adjustable portafilter holder, and efficient BLDC motor, the EK Omnia prioritizes grinding and workflow efficiency. Precision superpowers The EK Omnia ushers in a new era of coffee grinder technology, offering reliable and unparalleled grinding precision dose after dose. Grind size measured by real-time micron distance between burrs, not arbitrary dials Stepless grind size adjustments made by dial turn, touch screen, or saved recipe Industry-leading 98mm steel burrs give baristas uniformity with every dose An aesthetic for the ages We celebrate the craft with a sleek design inspired by the iconic EK43, an intuitive touch interface on the main dial, and interchangeable hopper options. Meet the EK Omnia The EK Omnia grinder is equipped with a suite of advancements that make it an indispensable tool for high-demand, high-expectation settings. The new technological innovation of Library Mode allows users to save their favorite grinding recipes, including notes for the bean name and target coffee grams. In combination with the Pre-Dosing Unit (PDU), a volumetric hopper*, EK Omnia automatically adjusts to the exact burr distance in microns and grind time, according to the recipe. The front-facing LED screen is a powerful and easy-to-use interface to set ultra-precise micro-adjustments of the grind size. Saved grinding recipes seamlessly integrate volumetric dosing with micron-level grind size settings. The grind size, meticulously measured in real-time by micron distance, eliminates any guesswork or reliance on arbitrary dials. When a recipe is selected, the grinder instantly fine-tunes both the burr distance and pre-dosing unit to precisely match the chosen parameters. Dial in once, repeat easily Save bean name and target coffee grams as recipes in the Library, then have EK Omnia automatically adjusting grind size and dose. Select a recipe and the EK Omnia will auto-adjust to your settings Repeatable consistency across hours and shifts Grind-by-Time and manual grinding offer total control at your fingertips Made for high-volume efficiency With a volumetric pre-dosing hopper unit, magnetic adjustable portafilter holder, and efficient BLDC motor, the EK Omnia prioritizes grinding and workflow efficiency. Precision superpowers The EK Omnia ushers in a new era of coffee grinder technology, offering reliable and unparalleled grinding precision dose after dose. Grind size measured by real-time micron distance between burrs, not arbitrary dials Stepless grind size adjustments made by dial turn, touch screen, or saved recipe Industry-leading 98mm steel burrs give baristas uniformity with every dose An aesthetic for the ages We celebrate the craft with a sleek design inspired by the iconic EK43, an intuitive touch interface on the main dial, and interchangeable hopper options. Voltage // frequencies // phases: 200-240 V // 50 Hz // 1~ 100-120 V // 60 Hz // 1~ Idle speed: 1500 rpm (50 Hz) Burr diameter: 98 mm Burr material: Cast steel Burr grind life (median setting): approx. 6.000 kg Average grinding capacity*: 11.5-13.5 g/s Bean hopper capacity: approx. 250 g Max nominal power: 750 W Dimensions (w x h x d): 21.4 x 66.3 x 39 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 25.9 x 62.6 x 59 cm Net weight: 24 kg Gross weight: 28 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 ANSI/UL 763 CSA-C22.2 No. 195 Standard colors (other colors on request): Fine textured finish, matte black Fine textured finish, matte white Optional accessories: Pre-Dosing Unit (PDU) = Volumetric dosing hopper 250g 98 mm cast steel burrs for Turkish fine

Regular price Dhs. 12,900.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 12,900.00
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Mahlkonig E80 supreme - Coffee Grinder


Mahlkonig E80 supreme - Coffee Grinder

  E80S Espresso Grinder   GRINDING UNLIMITED   The E80S sets the new benchmark in premium espresso grinding. It provides top-notch grinding speed and effortlessly copes with high daily capacities. Its exclusively designed burr geometry and grinding profile surpasses even the highest demands, enabling perfect extraction for a superior taste experience. Mahlkönig’s pioneering patented Disc Distance Detection lets you set the degree of fineness based on the actual distance between the burrs. Keeping your perfect individual grinder settings has never been so easy, yet so precise. Designed to Inspire. For coffee shops or individual baristas who are looking for high-quality, reproducible and accurate grinding results, Mahlkönig's E80S is the fastest and most advanced premium espresso grinder in its class. It amazes with precise dosing, very accurate and especially fast grinding for high capacity utilization – without compromising consistency and taste. The powerful motor with active temperature management ensures a very high daily output while still ensuring consistency of all taste parameters, which is especially important in heavy-duty environments. The E80S is not only a high-performing, durable and versatile espresso grinder, but its unique steel burrs and the pioneering Disc Distance Detection (DDD) enable a different cut of particles which helps to experience pure coffee joy. When it comes to producing a premium coffee grinding profile for optimal extraction, the burrs’ size, material and geometry make all the difference. The E80S is equipped with 80 mm special steel burrs featuring an individually developed tooth design. Experience espresso grinding without limits. 80 mm diameter special steel burrs Top-notch grinding profile for a superior taste experience Powerful motor with active temperature management for high-speed performance Patented Disc Distance Detection (DDD) enabling accurate settings of the degree of fineness Adjustable illuminated spout providing a clean and centered coffee outlet Pleasantly quiet grinding High-resolution 88.3 mm display with a wide viewing angle Voltage // frequencies // phases // nominal power: 220-240 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ // 520/600 W 110-127 V // 60 Hz // 1~ // 845 W 100 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ // 620/780 W Idle speed: 1400 rpm (50 Hz); 1700 rpm (60 Hz) Burr diameter: 80 mm Burr material: Special steel Burr grind life (median setting): ca. 1.500 kg Average grinding capacity*:  50 Hz: 6-7 g/s @ 250 µm 60 Hz: 7-8 g/s @ 250 µm Bean hopper capacity: approx. 1800 g  Dimensions (w x h x d): 24 x 63 x 34 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 69.7 x 28.7 x 47.5 cm Net weight: 17.6 kg Gross weight: 19.4 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: Conforms to: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 Certified to: UL 763 CSA C22.2 No. 195 NSF/ANSI 8 Standard colors: Polished aluminum, matte black Polished aluminum, matte black and white Optional accessories: Bean hopper approx. 250 g Bean hopper approx. 1200 g 80 mm premium cast steel burrs Burr replacement tool CB-certified aluminum adapter for Cans

Regular price Dhs. 11,550.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 11,550.00
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Mahlkonig E80S GBW White & Black - Coffee Grinder


Mahlkonig E80S GBW White & Black - Coffee Grinder

E80S GbW Espresso Grinder   SPEED MEETS ACCURACY   The E80S GbW combines record grinding speed with Mahlkönig’s real-time Grind-by-Weight technology and innovative Disc Distance Detection feature. Add automatic portafilter detection and keeping your perfect grind settings has never been easier - even during rush hour in high-volume cafés. Grinding Unlimited and Absolute Control. The E80S Grind-by-Weight combines record grinding speed with Mahlkönig’s ground-breaking technology of on demand dosing by weight. The grinders technology monitors its weight output and self-adjusts to consistently provide you with the most accurate dosing available. Mahlkönig’s Disc Distance Detection (DDD) feature helps to keep the grinder dialed in and provides additional quality control. The portafilter detection recognizes recipe pre-sets for up to six portafilters and automatically delivers the dose assigned. The E80S GbW will help optimize your espresso preparation to ensure the best tasting coffee with each shot and reduce time spent on equipment training for staff. 80 mm diameter special steel burrs Powerful motor with active temperature control for high-speed performance Grind-by-Weight technology featuring a high-precision load cell for real-time dosing control during the grinding process Patented Disc Distance Detection (DDD) enabling accurate settings of the degree of fineness Time savings and quality assurance through integrated Portafilter Detection Adjustable illuminated spout providing a clean and centered coffee outlet Pleasantly quiet grinding High-resolution 88.3 mm display with a wide viewing angle Voltage // frequencies // phases // nominal power: 220-240 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ // 520/600 W 110-127 V // 60 Hz // 1~ // 845 W 100 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ // 620/780 W Idle speed: 1400 rpm (50 Hz); 1700 rpm (60 Hz) Burr diameter: 80 mm Burr material: Special steel Burr grind life (median setting): ca. 1.500 kg Average grinding capacity*:  50 Hz: 6-7 g/s @ 250 µm 60 Hz: 7-8 g/s @ 250 µm Bean hopper capacity: approx. 1800 g  Dimensions (w x h x d): 24 x 63 x 34 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 69.7 x 28.7 x 47.5 cm Net weight: 18.0 kg Gross weight: 19.8 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: Conforms to: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 Certified to: UL 763 CSA C22.2 No. 195 NSF/ANSI 8 Standard colors: Polished aluminum, matte black Polished aluminum, matte black and white Optional accessories: Bean hopper approx. 250 g Bean hopper approx. 1200 g 80 mm premium cast steel burrs Burr replacement tool Calibration weight 1 kg CB-certified aluminum adapter for Cans

Regular price Dhs. 14,200.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 14,200.00
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Mahlkonig EK43 - Coffee Grinder - Black


Mahlkonig EK43 - Coffee Grinder - Black

EK43 Allround Grinder   QUEEN OF COFFEE GRINDERS   The EK43 has conquered the international coffee specialty industry and rules as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders – with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results. Its outstanding grinding profile remains unmatched. The EK43 provides the most even extraction of the coffee’s valuable aroma and is known to be a guarantor for an outstanding taste experience and a symbol for quality. Its special shape has become an icon within the international barista scene, which feels deeply connected to the EK43 by its shared passion for coffee. Outstanding particle size spreads feature high extraction rates and the best possible taste Premium cast steel burrs Robust grinder with high grinding capacity Suitable for different applications: filter, espresso, or turkish fine coffee grinding Grinding of other grists such as spices, grain, poppy seed and linseed is possible with individual burrs and pre-breaker Easy and precise grind adjustment Bag holder Voltage // frequencies // phases: 200-240 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ 100-120 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ Idle speed: 1450 rpm (50 Hz); 1760 rpm (60 Hz) Burr diameter: 98 mm Burr material: Cast steel Burr grind life (median setting): ca. 6.000 kg Average grinding capacity*: 19-21 g/s Average grinding capacity Turkish fine*: 10-12 g/s Bean hopper capacity: approx. 1500 g Max. nominal power: 1300 W Dimensions (w x h x d): 23 x 82.8 x 41 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 37 x 58 x 71 cm Net weight: 26 kg Gross weight: 30 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 ANSI/UL 763 CSA-C22.2 No. 195 Standard colors: Fine textured finish, matte black Fine textured finish, matte white Copper  Special equipment: 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for turkish fine (EK43 T) grinding and pre-breaker for decreased grind speeds 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for linseed (EL43) and poppy seed (EM43) grinding and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for grain (EG43) and spice (EP43) grinding, grinder housing cover and adjusting spindle for extended grind size range and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding Optional accessories: Bean hopper with spring-loaded hopper slider approx. 250 g Bean hopper with fold-up lid approx. 500 g Bean hopper approx. 800 g Alignment tool Pulling tool Stainless steel dosing cups

Regular price Dhs. 11,800.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 11,800.00
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Mahlkonig EK43 - Coffee Grinder - White


Mahlkonig EK43 - Coffee Grinder - White

EK43 Allround Grinder   QUEEN OF COFFEE GRINDERS   The EK43 has conquered the international coffee specialty industry and rules as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders – with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results. Its outstanding grinding profile remains unmatched. The EK43 provides the most even extraction of the coffee’s valuable aroma and is known to be a guarantor for an outstanding taste experience and a symbol for quality. Its special shape has become an icon within the international barista scene, which feels deeply connected to the EK43 by its shared passion for coffee. Outstanding particle size spreads feature high extraction rates and the best possible taste Premium cast steel burrs Robust grinder with high grinding capacity Suitable for different applications: filter, espresso, or turkish fine coffee grinding Grinding of other grists such as spices, grain, poppy seed and linseed is possible with individual burrs and pre-breaker Easy and precise grind adjustment Bag holder Voltage // frequencies // phases: 200-240 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ 100-120 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ Idle speed: 1450 rpm (50 Hz); 1760 rpm (60 Hz) Burr diameter: 98 mm Burr material: Cast steel Burr grind life (median setting): ca. 6.000 kg Average grinding capacity*: 19-21 g/s Average grinding capacity Turkish fine*: 10-12 g/s Bean hopper capacity: approx. 1500 g Max. nominal power: 1300 W Dimensions (w x h x d): 23 x 82.8 x 41 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 37 x 58 x 71 cm Net weight: 26 kg Gross weight: 30 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 ANSI/UL 763 CSA-C22.2 No. 195 Standard colors: Fine textured finish, matte black Fine textured finish, matte white Copper  Special equipment: 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for turkish fine (EK43 T) grinding and pre-breaker for decreased grind speeds 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for linseed (EL43) and poppy seed (EM43) grinding and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for grain (EG43) and spice (EP43) grinding, grinder housing cover and adjusting spindle for extended grind size range and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding Optional accessories: Bean hopper with spring-loaded hopper slider approx. 250 g Bean hopper with fold-up lid approx. 500 g Bean hopper approx. 800 g Alignment tool Pulling tool Stainless steel dosing cups

Regular price Dhs. 11,800.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 11,800.00
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MAHLKONIG EK43s - Coffee Grinder - White


MAHLKONIG EK43s - Coffee Grinder - White

EK43 S Allround Grinder   QUEEN OF COFFEE GRINDERS   The EK43 S provides the powerful performance of Mahlkönig’s famous EK43 within a space-saving body, that finally brings premium coffee grinding to the smaller coffee bars, too. The EK43 rules the international coffee specialty industry as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders - with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results. Its outstanding grinding profile remains unmatched. The EK43 provides the most even extraction of the coffee’s valuable aroma and is known to be a guarantor for an outstanding taste experience and a symbol for quality. Its special shape has become an icon within the international barista scene, which feels deeply connected to the EK43 by its shared passion for coffee. The performance and grinding results of the established EK43 within a smaller space-saving body Outstanding particle size spreads feature high extraction rates and the best possible taste Premium cast steel burrs Robust small grinder with high grinding capacity Suitable for different applications: filter, espresso, or turkish fine coffee grinding Grinding of other grists such as spices, grain, poppy seed and linseed is possible with individual burrs and pre-breaker Easy and precise grind adjustment Bag holder Voltage // frequencies // phases: 200-240 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ 100-120 V // 50/60 Hz // 1~ Idle speed: 1450 rpm (50 Hz); 1760 rpm (60 Hz) Burr diameter: 98 mm Burr material: Cast steel Burr grind life (median setting): ca. 6.000 kg Average grinding capacity*: 19-21 g/s Average grinding capacity Turkish fine*: 10-12 g/s Bean hopper capacity: approx. 800 g Max. nominal power: 1300 W Dimensions (w x h x d): 23 x 68 x 41 cm Dimensions of packing (w x h x d): 37 x 58 x 71 cm Net weight: 24.5 kg Gross weight: 28.5 kg Certifications: CE, CB, ETL Safety, ETL Sanitation Standards: IEC/EN 60335-1 IEC/EN 60335-2-64 ANSI/UL 763 CSA-C22.2 No. 195 Standard colors: Fine textured finish, matte black Fine textured finish, matte white Special equipment: 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for turkish fine (EK43 ST) grinding and pre-breaker for decreased grind speeds 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for linseed (EL43) and poppy seed (EM43) grinding and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding 98 mm premium cast steel burrs for grain (EG43) and spice (EP43) grinding, grinder housing cover and adjusting spindle for extended grind size range and pre-breaker for non-coffee grinding Optional accessories: Bean hopper with spring-loaded hopper slider approx. 250 g Bean hopper with fold-up lid approx. 500 g Bean hopper approx. 1500 g Alignment tool Pulling tool Stainless steel dosing cups

Regular price Dhs. 11,800.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 11,800.00
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